Sunday, January 6, 2008


We misplaced the camera for several days. Sarah just found it a few minutes ago, so I'll upload some photos later (hopefully today).

Also, a couple updates:
  • We're continuing to get them to sleep on their own. Some nights are better than others.
  • They really are saying Mama and Papa more often now when they want something, rather than just whining or yelling to get our attention.
  • They're enjoying their toys from Christmas. They love when we read to them, so the books are seeing a lot of action. They also got some water washable markers that they play with in the bath tub.
  • We went down to my Dad and Roberta's house in Sacramento this morning and had a good time. The girls were shy at first - they don't see Grandpa Bud and Pa-Pa (Roberta) often enough. But within 30 minutes or less, they had warmed up. We stayed down there about three hours and had lunch with them.
  • Ella is getting another tooth in the lower-left part of her mouth.