Saturday, March 15, 2008

Toddler Talk, Part 2

The twins are saying so many new words, but they also say a lot of "adapted" words - words that are shortened or changed from their adult version. I know if I don't write some of these down, we'll forget them.
Toddler = Adult
Wiwi = Wiggle
Ganpa = Grandpa
Gama = Grandma
Blankie = Blanket
Wawa = Water
Rara = Rabbit
Hep = Help
Ps = Please (basically, take out all the vowels and the "l")
Dwa = Draw
Many = Medicine

I know there are more, so I'll work them in with the list of new words they are saying. Speaking of that, here are some new words from this week:
Rabbit - They finally got this down, sort of
Shhh - They can make that soft sh sound; whereas, before, it was just the S

Friday, March 7, 2008

Their First Song

Well, this morning marked another first. Sarah taught the twins to sing "Tomorrow" from Annie. I may have the title wrong, but it's the one that goes:

"Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya' tomorrow
You're only a day away"

They both sang it after dinner together, with Sarah leading. Very cute. I got a little on video with my small digital camera, which I will upload later.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

More New Words

I have to keep these short if I'm going to hope to keep them up on a regular basis. :)

On Tuesday, I was buckling Ella in her car seat when she asked for her drawing toy. It wasn't in the car, so I said, "I'm sorry, it's inside. We'll get it later." I swear she said, "Sheesh" to me. As in, "Geez, papa, you didn't think to bring it." Sarah thinks it was more a coincidence because I had said sheesh a minute earlier. Either way, that was her new word.

Then yesterday, we were watching TV and someone said "shucks." I swear Ella and Emily just copied that person exactly. I thought it was funny.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Today's New Word

We went to Cafe Delicias for dinner, and the twins sat in a booth - no booster seat or anything. They're still a bit young, but Cafe D. already had other babies using them. Anyway, Emily was next to me - I was on the outside of the booth and she was on the inside near the wall. I pointed to a space between the wall and the booth and said "hole." She repeated it, so that was her new word for today.

Also, on Sunday, Emily wanted to sit on the Potty Chair. She didn't do anything, but it was the first time she said she needed to use it. About 10 minutes after we took her off, she went potty in her diaper. So, she's getting close.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Potty Chair

As you might guess from the title, we have potty trainer for the twins. Literally minutes ago, Ella used it for the first time tonight. Sarah was giving them a bath when Ella stood up and indicated she had to use the potty. Sure enough, she went # 2. A few minutes later, after she was in the bath again, she said she had to use it again. This time she went # 1. Of course, we're very excited. And she did it while Emily was in the bath watching, so I'm sure Emily will use it soon. Maybe even tonight - the twins are still in the bath with Sarah now.