Monday, December 14, 2009

Another butt-kicking workout

Had another butt-kicking at the gym today. Wow, Suzanne knows how to pick 'em. Honestly, haven't felt this tired (or healthy) since high school sports. Good news is the workouts only last 30 minutes instead of hours of practice. Bad news is I am paying someone to treat me this way. Good news (always end on an up) is that Sarah gave me a compliment AND I'm actually seeing the changes in my body.

Up until now, I've been working on convincing myself that I'm getting slimmer. People tell me this - friends, family, people at the gym. But my self-image has been "funny, fat, kid-at-heart" for so long that it takes time to change. This last week, I can visibly see that my mid- section is smaller. My brain doesn't half to convince my eyes that I'm slimmer. My eyes see it in the mirror.

This is a small, but significant change. Life is good...

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The girls' first theater movie

We are at the Regal theater in Auburn about to watch The Princess and the Frog. This will be the girls' first theater movie. I'll let you know if it is a good one.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Big race, small snafu! Wow, that was fast.

It's over. I can't believe it! Unofficial team time 4:02, but there was a snafu with my relay exchange (my fault). Cost us 10 mind. I think my time averaged 9:30/mile, so I accomplished my goal. Had a GREAT time!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tomorrow is a big day - California International Marathon

I can hardly wait!! even though I'm going to sleep about 45 mins later than I hoped, tomorrow can't come quickly enough. SUPER excited to be running a leg of the CIM, and doing it with folks from ProActive in Auburn. It also gives me a sense of pleasure an accomplishment to know that my excitement in running transfered so well to my friend, Darryl. It is cool to see what he is accomplishing, too. I'll report in tomorrow. Wish me good speed. Goal is <10 min/mile.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous