Sunday, November 29, 2009

Put the tree up today

And decorated it with Sarah's, Ella's and Emily's help.

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am Thankful for...

having the health, family, and friends to lead me to this point in my life. I recently told Sarah that life is good. This is the happiest, healthiest, and best I've ever felt. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cleaning the office

Today, Sarah and I Attacked! my office and in one hour did what I thought would take an afternoon. I'm so glad we work well together. I have more space on my desk and already know how I'm going to fill up that space. :)

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Friday, November 20, 2009

On a train

Friday night, it's cold outside. Wet and dark. The mercury lights provide small glimpses of the landscape around me. Towns come and go. People mostly leave and the locomotive gets quieter and lonelier. I can't wait to get home and see my family. Picture my beautiful wife, also my best friend. Images of smiling twins in my mind help to brighten my mood. Thank goodness for technology - a couple quick IMs with Sarah and I know my world is right. Despite the cold and rain outside, I am warm inside.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The girls decided to vacuum

On their own accord, the girls decided they wanted to vacuum the house. I got the cordless dust buster and regular full size vacuum from the closet. Emily used the big one and Ella the little one. Man, it was great! They said it was a lot of fun. I just hope they continue to think so for the next 15+ years.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Half Marathon Unofficial Time: 2h18m

I didn't stick around to get my official time, but I'm sure that will be posted online. However, my stopwatch shows that I did it in just over 2 hours and 18 minutes, which is a personal best. I think I averaged 10.5 mins/mile. It wasn't as fun as when I ran the Four Bridges Relay because that was with friends. However, the accomplishment feels much greater, and having Sarah and the girls, Sherri, my mom, dad, and Roberta all there was great. What was even better was that Sarah, Sherri, my mom and the girls all got up early to watch me along the course. It was such a nice surprise and despite the fact that I didn't actually SEE Sarah or the girls, it gave me the extra push to finish strong at the end.
Looking forward to the CIM relay in 3 weeks. That will be a breeze at only 5.7 miles, but I definitely want to improve my speed. I am going to shoot for 9:50 or less per mile.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

I'm ready to start the half

Run the River

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Monday, November 9, 2009

Texas Tomorrow

I'm having dinner with my family tonight, but tomorrow I leave for Dallas for 3 days. I already miss Sarah and my girls. :(

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Last training weekend before my half marathon

I finished up a 5.5 mike run with my best friend, Darryl. Right knee a little troublesome for first mile, but resolved itself before end of second mile. Feeling good. Excited for next Saturday. One more training run, 5-6 miles, on Tuesday or Wednesday, then nothing until the big day. Wish me luck!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Race Day Photo

This was taken on 10/25 at the finish of What a blast!

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous