Saturday, December 15, 2007

More Dance Moves and Country Christmas

On Wednesday, my mom, Sharon, taught the girls how to do a high kick when dancing to some Christmas music. Funniest thing to watch. I tried to get some video, but by the time I got the camera out, they weren't interested.

Tonight we all went to Auburn's 21st Annual Country Christmas in Old Town. It was great. We met Darryl and his aunt Enid and uncle Bill. We parked at the fairgrounds at 5:00 and initially put the girls in the double stroller. There was a free shuttle bus from the Bernhard Museum to Old Town, but we decided to walk. It was cold, but the walk was fine. We all got a chance to visit. Bill and Enid are so nice. Bill genuinely makes one feel like he cares about them and is interested in what they have to say.

When we got to Old Town, the first thing we did was get some clam chowder in a bread bowl. It was the PERFECT thing. It was warm, and delicious! All of us had some, including the twins. We stood in front of a roped-off section in front of the old post office where a brass band was playing Christmas songs. When we finished the chowder (and our bowls), we let the twins out of their stroller and walked up towards Awful Annie's parking area. They had a small horse wagon that was offering rides. We didn't take a ride, but we got up close to the horses and the driver had sheep dog that the girls petted. Then we headed back down towards Bootlegger's and went in some of the shops. We moved on to where the Old Firehouse is and they had a section fenced off for pony rides. Nearby there were two or three large cages/wagons that had wolves in them. A wolf rescue group was collecting donations and doing some educating. Awful Annie's was the top end, the Old Firehouse was the bottom, so when we rounded that, we headed back towards where the brass band had been playing. This time there was a carolling group singing. We noticed the city had setup a fire pit in the middle of the street, so we huddled around there, and I bought hot drinks for everyone. We warmed up for 10-15 minutes and decided to head back.

We walked back up past Awful Annie's and headed to the Bernhard. Darryl noticed they were offering free hot cider and home made cookies, so we headed in the top of the winery and warmed up with a snack. Bill and Enid had never been to the Bernhard, and the house was open, so they all headed in for a tour while Sarah and I changed the twins and let them run around to burn off some energy. Then we headed to our car and came home. In all, we got there about 5:00 and were headed home a few minutes past 8:00, so we were there about three hours. It was really nice and we had a good time.