Stories and tidbits about my twin daughters and other things I find interesting. Parenting, technology, astronomy, music, environment and more.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Posting Schedule
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Cookies
Here's a quick video:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Gymnastics Class
The class started at 9:15 am and went for 45 minutes. Sarah and I went together. There were probably 6-7 other children in the class. There was one other dad. We recognized one of the mom's from Placer High School. She was a grade or two above us. I think her name was Tina May (Sarah remembered her more than I did). It took our girls the typical 15-20 minutes to warm up, but then they were playing like everyone else.
The first activity was a warm-up, which was just running around the mat on a white line. After 3-4 laps, they began what I would consider the more structured activities. They had the children run an obstacle course that involved climbing up pads, hopping down, crawling through tunnels, riding a see-saw, and walking two different directions on a balance beam. The girls still weren't totally into it, but they had fun.
Next was another, more involved obstacle course. The children had to climb up a ladder, hop onto a pad, run up a padded ramp, go belly-first onto a hexagonal "log," roll along the log and do a somersault off, hop backwards about 5 feet, then climb across horizontal bars. It was great fun, especially the backwards hopping. The girls did a Great job. I was surprised at how well they went up the ladder and across the horizontal bars. We have some video of them hopping backwards, too.
After several laps for each child, the teacher brought out a parachute, and we played various games, all of them involving balloons. At the end of the parachute games, the children got about 5 minutes of free play. Here's a quick video of Ella (white and pink) and Emily (blue and grey) playing with the balloons on top of the parachute.
And here are a few stills from the class.
Grandpa Bud's and the Piano
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Lights & Parade
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Here are a couple shots, and more to come
- Christmas lights and parade
- Grandpa Bud's and the piano
- Gymnastics class
- Making cookies
And there will be some short videos, too. I'll have these updated and posted by Christmas Day.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Pictures coming this weekend
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My Review of Celestron AstroMaster 130 EQ Reflector Telescope
Good beginner scope
Pros: Comfortable Eyepiece, Accurate
Cons: Unstable
Best Uses: Astronomy
Describe Yourself: Casual/ Recreational
This scope is exactly what I expected for the money. A good beginner scope. I haven't used any other telescopes, so I have nothing to really compare with, but this does what I wanted. I've had it for about a month and spent several hours with it. I mentioned it was unstable, which is referring to the fact that the scope has slight jiggles. Not so bad at low power, but noticeable at higher power. It isn't like the whole telescope is unstable or going to tip, just that with an inexpensive telescope, I hear the manufacturer often skimps on the tripod. I'm planning to get some more powerful eyepieces to see the planets, so I am a bit concerned about the jiggling. Even when I am not touching the unit, just peering through the eyepiece, it still jiggles.
That being said, I thoroughly enjoy this scope. It's my first, and I doubt it will be my last. I'm getting some new eyepieces, filters, and more so I can expand my use of it. I would recommend this to anyone getting into astronomy.
Here is a photo I took the first night I got it.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Tree Decorating
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Great Pumpkin Carve-off 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Through the Looking Glass
Friday, November 7, 2008
Quick Update - Halloween, Forts, and the Phone
We had a great Halloween with over 100 trick-or-treaters at our door. Ella dressed up as Dorothy and Emily was Little Red Ridinghood.
Yesterday, Sarah and the girls built their first fort. I think that is so cool!
Today on the phone, Emily was talking to Doug and I asked her to give the phone to Ella. For the first time, Emily said to the person on the phone, "Here's Ella." Also really cool.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Alpaca Ranch
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Twins with Grandpa Bud
Friday, October 24, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Bandon Trip, Day 8
A little farther up the road is Simpson Reef and Shell Island. There's an overlook where you can see about four kinds of seals and sea lions, as well as many birds and (according to the information display) migrating whales. We saw the former two, but no whales.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Bandon Trip, Day 7
This morning we had Nicole's Famous Potatoes in the form of delicious breakfast burritos. I gotta say, I love Nicole's breakfast cooking. Good stuff! That set us off right for a morning at the beach where we spent a few hours flying kites, exploring some caves, and building lots of sand castles.

That evening we spent crabbing well past sunset. In fact, Sarah, the girls, and I all came home around 8:30 to put the girls to bed. Nicole, Ty, and the Mitani Brothers all stayed out till a little after midnight. In all, including what Sarah and I brought home with the girls, we caught 36 or 37 crabs that night. In all, I think we have caught 112 or 113 keepers this week.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bandon Trip, Day 3: Let the Harvest Begin!
Well, the bug bit both Darryl and Steven last night. At around 9:00 or 9:15, they hopped in their SUV and high-tailed it to the docks. In about 3-3.5 hours, they came home with 24 crabs!!! Sarah and I had called them around 10:30 or so and knew they had a half-dozen crabs, so we put a pot on the stove and started it heating before the boys came home. I believe they said they got home around 1:30 am. I remember waking up to the smell of smoke and cooking. (Steven and Darryl told us later that they almost set off the smoke alarm.) Anyway, Sarah and I woke up to a fridge shelf and vegetable bin full of crabs.

Good times! Those of you who've known me for a while know that I'm not a big fan of seafood historically. However, Sarah's been gradually winning me over to things like salmon and shrimp. Crab is still one that I'm working on. I like crab meat, but the shells that one sometimes gets mixed in with the meat are not so great. Having said that, there's more than a little satisfaction in catching the little guys (you can only keep the males) and then "living off nature." I know that sounds corny, but I like it. Needless to say we had crab for lunch and dinner. In fact, Darryl and Steven had crab for breakfast, too.
After discovering the crabs, the first thing we did in the morning was all head down to the beach below our house. The tide was pretty low, so we were able to find some star fish, sand crabs, and other cool little sea "things". We made some sand castles, too. Aside from the wind, the weather here is great.
After the beach, we all headed in to town and went to a few shops - mostly the Toy Room (where we bought a few things for the girls and ourselves) and the Cranberry Sweets factory outlet (where we samples everything we could and bought a few treats). We had a great time and then headed home for lunch. Lunch consisted of crab sandwiches. The girls went down for a nap as did I. :) I think everyone but Sarah took a nap.
When dinner rolled around, we had crab salad. Good stuff, really. We didn't do much until it was time to put the girls down for the night. Before doing that, Darryl got an urge to get a Dairy Queen Blizzard, so us three boys hopped on our bikes and rode to DQ. We bought four Blizzards, put three of them in our water bottle holders (the fourth I carried in my windbreaker pouch) and headed home. When we arrived, the girls were still awake, so I put my Blizzard and Sarah's in the fridge (more on that later) and helped to put them to bed. When I came out, everyone was playing Mille Bornes, which is a card game.
I grabbed my Blizzard and sat down to join them. Come to find out that while I was putting the girls to bed, Sarah went to the freezer to find her Blizzard. (Remember, I put them in the fridge, not the freezer.) She saw that the one she thought was hers was half-eaten. She thought I had eaten it (it was really Steven's) so she decided as revenge, she would eat MY Blizzard half-way (which was actually Darryl's). So she sat down (the boys were still doing other things before starting the card game) and started to devour what she thought was my Blizzard. Shortly thereafter, Darryl opened the freezer to get his Blizzard and exclaimed in bewilderment, "Where's my Blizzard?!" at which time his heart sank. He thought the mean lizard-like Godblizzah had stolen his creamy, frozen goodness. Sarah said, "Oh, no" and quickly apologized. But it was too late; the damage was done. When it was all said and done, everyone but Darryl got their full Blizzards, and Darryl was the one who really wanted one. :(
Now I owe Darryl a Nerf football and a Blizzard.
Oh, I almost forgot that Ella and Emily started a new game. They were making pretend tacos and sharing with each other.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Bandon Trip, Day 2
After breakfast, we headed up the coast on 101 through Klamath, Crescent City, Brookings, and on into Bandon. Along the way, we stopped at a state park, I think it was, where there is often a herd of elk that go around the forest and onto the beach. I can't remember the name of it (I'll have to ask Darryl). We didn't see any elk this time, but we stopped at a visitor center and nearby meadow. We took a nice walk through some redwoods and got a picture of a bear surprising Emily!
After the meadow, we stopped at a beach along 101 just south of Crescent City to give the girls some lunch. We all played in the sand until about 1:30 or 2:00 and then got back on the road. The girls fell asleep around 2:30 and slept almost the whole rest of the way to Bandon. We arrived in town around 4:30, unloaded, and headed out to dinner. We made a quick run to the grocery store, and then came home.
Darryl and Steven are at the docks right now setting their crab nets (they bought licenses as soon as we got to town). Sarah and I just put the girls to bed and are getting ready to head that direction ourselves. Keep checking this blog as I'm going to try updating it daily.
Bandon Trip, Day 1

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Learning to Count
Now I know what you all really want. Here are a couple recent pictures.

Saturday, August 16, 2008
CCFC 2008
Here are some pictures and a video.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Budhist Obon Festival
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Eating Cupcakes

But there's an unexpected ending to this cupcake story. After the four of us had cupcakes for two or three nights, we left them in a plastic bag on the counter while going out to dinner. When we came home, Abby had gotten the bag off the counter, chewed it open (didn't swallow much or any of the bag) and ate a dozen cupcakes. Fortunately, she didn't eat all the frosting, and she never got sick, but boy there was a mess of crumbs all over the floor.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Making Cupcakes
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Petrified Forrest
A few weeks ago, Sarah and I decided we wanted to get away from all the smoke in the air, so we went to the Petrified Forrest outside Calistoga. It was still a little hazy, but a nice break from what we had in Auburn.
Monday, July 28, 2008
4th of July Parade
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Nora's Birthday
About 30 minutes after arriving, I started up the coals for the BBQ and we got ready for the food. We ate outside around the pool before open gifts. Nora got lots of "princess" stuff - Aerial doll from "Little Mermaid," two tea sets, including a pink Disney princess one from Nicole, a set of arts and crafts stuff from our girls, and more. The grand finale was a pink Schwin tricycle, decked out with chrome frenders and lether tassles on the handle bars.
After opening all the presents, we hopped in the pool. The water was excellent and the girls did great. We brought up their green frog floaters that they sit in to help them swim. Danielle had a great one, similar to ours, but with a small sun shade over the top. Very good feature. When we got out of the pool, Danielle and Eric brought up cupcakes and ice cream for dessert. What a treat!
The final event was a Pinata on the front lawn. Eric was the rope man (until it broke). Our girls got to go first, then Nora, Winter, Collin, and Leah. Then we started over. By that time, the Pinata was on the ground, so everyone was just beating it. I helped the girls, then Eric made a small error in calculation. He decided to try helping Nora. As you may know, she is very independent. Here's what happened...
At the Mitani Ranch
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Overdue Update
While Sarah and I visited the new parents, we dropped off Ella and Emily with their Grandpa Gary. He reminded me that I was overdue in updating the website, so here goes nothing. June 28th was Auburn Family Night Out. We had a great time. I got a couple pictures of the girls.

Emily is happy to have dinner.

Here they are ringing the bell at Pioneer Church

Ella was more interested in the pony than Emily was.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Birthday Party

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Boutiful Harvest
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Finally, a new post - Monterey Trip
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
So Sorry
- Emily is saying "No!" a lot. Even though we know it's a phase, and she doesn't really mean it, she definitely acts like she means it. When we offer her food that we know she likes, she will say "NO!" and scrunch up her face and turn away.
- Ella and Emily talk more to each other, like asking one another to sit with them or play with them. It's SUPER cute!
- Ella and Emily both have ouchies on their chins - I think one of them bumped it on a table and the other one fell at the park.
- They still wake up once or twice during the night. They go to sleep around 9:00 or 9:15 and wake up around 7:15.
- Everyone is doing well.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Toddler Talk, Part 2
Toddler = Adult
Wiwi = Wiggle
Ganpa = Grandpa
Gama = Grandma
Blankie = Blanket
Wawa = Water
Rara = Rabbit
Hep = Help
Ps = Please (basically, take out all the vowels and the "l")
Dwa = Draw
Many = Medicine
I know there are more, so I'll work them in with the list of new words they are saying. Speaking of that, here are some new words from this week:
Rabbit - They finally got this down, sort of
Shhh - They can make that soft sh sound; whereas, before, it was just the S
Friday, March 7, 2008
Their First Song
"Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya' tomorrow
You're only a day away"
They both sang it after dinner together, with Sarah leading. Very cute. I got a little on video with my small digital camera, which I will upload later.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
More New Words
On Tuesday, I was buckling Ella in her car seat when she asked for her drawing toy. It wasn't in the car, so I said, "I'm sorry, it's inside. We'll get it later." I swear she said, "Sheesh" to me. As in, "Geez, papa, you didn't think to bring it." Sarah thinks it was more a coincidence because I had said sheesh a minute earlier. Either way, that was her new word.
Then yesterday, we were watching TV and someone said "shucks." I swear Ella and Emily just copied that person exactly. I thought it was funny.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Today's New Word
Also, on Sunday, Emily wanted to sit on the Potty Chair. She didn't do anything, but it was the first time she said she needed to use it. About 10 minutes after we took her off, she went potty in her diaper. So, she's getting close.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The Potty Chair
Friday, February 29, 2008
Today's New Words
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Toddler Talk
Last Monday, something miraculous happened. Ella and Emily were sitting on the couch next to Sarah. I was in my favorite chair. The twins were drawing in their little notepads. Ella asked Sarah to draw in her notepad by saying "Mama" and pointing to her pad. Then Emily started drawing in Ella's notepad, too, but then stopped. Next thing we heard was Ella asking Emily to ,"Draw here please" or "Emily, draw please" and then she would tap the page in her notepad.
Yesterday, Ella and Emily were rocking in my blue Lay-Z-Boy recliner. Emily got up and went around to the back of the recliner to play. Next thing Sarah heard was Ella patting the empty spot on the chair next to her and saying, "Emily, sit please." Oh, I was so bummed I missed it, but it was wonderful to hear Sarah describe it.
Emily is close behind her, too. We think she almost put three words together today, so it should happen any day now.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008


Sunday, February 17, 2008
Another Saturday at the Park
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
This weekend
Also, I know I've said this over and over, but it is amazing how quickly the twins are picking up new words. Today they said Ernie (from Sesamie Street), allowed as in "whining is not allowed," and at least one or two other words we've never heard them say before. It seems like every couple days, they're saying new words. Awesome!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Snow Day!
Today was great fun! We had snow, and quite a bit in the morning. It stuck on the ground for least half the day, and I think there are still a few small patches. The twins enjoyed watching it from the front windows.
Change of subjects, I was quite happily surprised today at how well Emily is saying the word "Hello."
Enjoy the pictures.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
More Communications
Also, Emily started shaking her head when she means No. Previously, she only turned her head to the side. Now she does a combination of the two.
We're still progressing with getting them to sleep in their own beds. The night before last, they went down about 9:30 pm and Emily woke up at 4:00 am. Ella didn't wake up until after 6:00. They both went back to sleep, at least until about 6:45 am. Then last night, they went to sleep around 8:30 pm. Again, Emily woke up first, but not until 6:15 am and Ella didn't wake up until about 6:35 am. It's been working out very well!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Another First - Big Girl Cups
A couple other quick updates:
The girls slept 10 hours straight last night, from 8:30 - 6:50.
They are saying words a lot more now, like "up" when they want to be picked up, and "more" when they want more to eat, and I think the newest is "help" when they want something. Also, I've heard Emily say Abby (one of our dog's names). They're saying so much now, it's sometimes hard to keep track.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Bodies Revealed
If anyone is thinking of going to the exhibit, I personally think $24 (which is the adult price) is too much. Less than $20 would be better. I had seen a lot of previews, interviews, ads, and other information about the exhibit before going, and unfortunately, it turned out I saw almost all the best parts of the exhibit before going. I think Body Worlds might be a better way to spend your money, but that's just a guess.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Ella has a great laugh
The twins and I also made a game out of cleaning up the living room. The three of us were putting the blocks and Legos away, while Sarah was doing laundry. It made the chores much more entertaining.
Going backwards for a minute, last night was a "little" rough. Around 12:30, Emily woke up and for the next hour, I think I got up four times for her and once for Ella. But after about 1:30 am, they didn't wake up until 7:00. And we think it's because Emily is getting another tooth popping through. The 3-4 nights before that have been great - the twins are doing very well sleeping through the night.
Now skipping ahead several months, Sarah, Darryl, and I are planning another trip to Bandon, OR. We went there a couple years ago, when the twins were just a few months old, and we're going back this September to the same house. We're really looking forward to it. I'm going to take a week off and we'll go crabbing, tide-pooling, we'll go to the wild animal park, etc.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sleeping Soundly (Mostly)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Posting Frequency
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The Rocking Horse
Quick update on the sleeping - I'd say for the last five days, maybe a full week, I've had to get up at most three times a night. The last night, I only had to get up once, I think. Sarah and I both agree it's much better not having them in the bed any longer. We loved it while they were with us, but we are sleeping much better.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
More Talking
Emily is getting at least one more tooth. It hasn't broken through, yet, but her gums are very red and she's been cranky. I'm sure it'll pop through in the next few days.
As for me, I'm going to the gym now. Sarah gave me a gym membership for Christmas and I have been seven times in eight days; although, to be fair, I went twice the first day - once to sign up (and I did workout) and a second time for a class.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Also, a couple updates:
- We're continuing to get them to sleep on their own. Some nights are better than others.
- They really are saying Mama and Papa more often now when they want something, rather than just whining or yelling to get our attention.
- They're enjoying their toys from Christmas. They love when we read to them, so the books are seeing a lot of action. They also got some water washable markers that they play with in the bath tub.
- We went down to my Dad and Roberta's house in Sacramento this morning and had a good time. The girls were shy at first - they don't see Grandpa Bud and Pa-Pa (Roberta) often enough. But within 30 minutes or less, they had warmed up. We stayed down there about three hours and had lunch with them.
- Ella is getting another tooth in the lower-left part of her mouth.