The twins are saying so many new words, but they also say a lot of "adapted" words - words that are shortened or changed from their adult version. I know if I don't write some of these down, we'll forget them.
Toddler = Adult
Wiwi = Wiggle
Ganpa = Grandpa
Gama = Grandma
Blankie = Blanket
Wawa = Water
Rara = Rabbit
Hep = Help
Ps = Please (basically, take out all the vowels and the "l")
Dwa = Draw
Many = Medicine
I know there are more, so I'll work them in with the list of new words they are saying. Speaking of that, here are some new words from this week:
Rabbit - They finally got this down, sort of
Shhh - They can make that soft sh sound; whereas, before, it was just the S