Well, the bug bit both Darryl and Steven last night. At around 9:00 or 9:15, they hopped in their SUV and high-tailed it to the docks. In about 3-3.5 hours, they came home with 24 crabs!!! Sarah and I had called them around 10:30 or so and knew they had a half-dozen crabs, so we put a pot on the stove and started it heating before the boys came home. I believe they said they got home around 1:30 am. I remember waking up to the smell of smoke and cooking. (Steven and Darryl told us later that they almost set off the smoke alarm.) Anyway, Sarah and I woke up to a fridge shelf and vegetable bin full of crabs.

Good times! Those of you who've known me for a while know that I'm not a big fan of seafood historically. However, Sarah's been gradually winning me over to things like salmon and shrimp. Crab is still one that I'm working on. I like crab meat, but the shells that one sometimes gets mixed in with the meat are not so great. Having said that, there's more than a little satisfaction in catching the little guys (you can only keep the males) and then "living off nature." I know that sounds corny, but I like it. Needless to say we had crab for lunch and dinner. In fact, Darryl and Steven had crab for breakfast, too.
After discovering the crabs, the first thing we did in the morning was all head down to the beach below our house. The tide was pretty low, so we were able to find some star fish, sand crabs, and other cool little sea "things". We made some sand castles, too. Aside from the wind, the weather here is great.
After the beach, we all headed in to town and went to a few shops - mostly the Toy Room (where we bought a few things for the girls and ourselves) and the Cranberry Sweets factory outlet (where we samples everything we could and bought a few treats). We had a great time and then headed home for lunch. Lunch consisted of crab sandwiches. The girls went down for a nap as did I. :) I think everyone but Sarah took a nap.
When dinner rolled around, we had crab salad. Good stuff, really. We didn't do much until it was time to put the girls down for the night. Before doing that, Darryl got an urge to get a Dairy Queen Blizzard, so us three boys hopped on our bikes and rode to DQ. We bought four Blizzards, put three of them in our water bottle holders (the fourth I carried in my windbreaker pouch) and headed home. When we arrived, the girls were still awake, so I put my Blizzard and Sarah's in the fridge (more on that later) and helped to put them to bed. When I came out, everyone was playing Mille Bornes, which is a card game.
I grabbed my Blizzard and sat down to join them. Come to find out that while I was putting the girls to bed, Sarah went to the freezer to find her Blizzard. (Remember, I put them in the fridge, not the freezer.) She saw that the one she thought was hers was half-eaten. She thought I had eaten it (it was really Steven's) so she decided as revenge, she would eat MY Blizzard half-way (which was actually Darryl's). So she sat down (the boys were still doing other things before starting the card game) and started to devour what she thought was my Blizzard. Shortly thereafter, Darryl opened the freezer to get his Blizzard and exclaimed in bewilderment, "Where's my Blizzard?!" at which time his heart sank. He thought the mean lizard-like Godblizzah had stolen his creamy, frozen goodness. Sarah said, "Oh, no" and quickly apologized. But it was too late; the damage was done. When it was all said and done, everyone but Darryl got their full Blizzards, and Darryl was the one who really wanted one. :(
Now I owe Darryl a Nerf football and a Blizzard.
Oh, I almost forgot that Ella and Emily started a new game. They were making pretend tacos and sharing with each other.