The reason we went was to show off the twins, really, and to have a nice day away from everything. We had a picnic, went to the beach, played in the sand and water, and had a great time! We got several pictures of the twins, which I'll upload later. While we were there, both girls ate sand. YUCK! Ella really liked the water, which I guess was warm for Lake Tahoe (but still the coldest water they've ever been in.) Emily didn't dis-like the water, she just didn't take to it as much as Ella. Everyone up there loved them, and it was great to see that there were lots of other kids. I think they ranged from about 5 - young teenagers. I hope we go again in the coming years.
Papa with Emily and Roberta with Ella in Lake Tahoe.

Papa with Emily and Roberta with Ella (and her other granddaughter Ella) in Lake Tahoe.

Emily and Ella in Lake Tahoe.

Emily in an innertube at Kaje Tahoe.
Our Ella playing with her cousing, also Ella, at Lake Tahoe.