Okay, so this isn't the post I alluded to yesterday that proves these are my daughters, but I couldn't wait. I had to get this posted ASAP. This morning, around 10:15 - 10:30 am, Emily started walking on her own. Sherri was here, and a friend had come over, too. Both of them were sitting on the couch and Emily started to walk between them. They called me into the front room and Emily walked from the couch to the TV and back, and then all over the place. She holds her arms a little more up than Ella does, but same sort of thing. Now she's still not quite able to transition from a sitting to standing position on her own, but once she's standing, she can walk now! And she is so happy when she does it, just like Ella! It's great! I got a couple pictures, so I'll post them later.