Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ella's Christmas Doll

Had a lot of fun at dinner with the girls tonight. Sarah and I practiced the lyrics for their holiday program at school - "Up on the Rooftop." That was fun, but what was great is that Sarah chose to ask them what they want for Christmas this year and make a list for Santa. Everything they asked for was "sparkly" - sparkly roller skates, sparkly pogo sticks, sparkly helmets.

But wait, there's more. The funniest part was when Ella asked for a doll. Fine. No problem. All considering, it was the easiest of the things she had asked for. Then she said she wants one that eats and drinks (no problem)... real food. Okay, small problem. Then she pulled out the trump card - she wants a doll that makes egg nog. She wants it to eat and drink real food and then produce egg nog. Presumably out the other end. An egg nog doll. I darn near spit out my milk I thought it was so funny.

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