Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ella's Christmas Doll

Had a lot of fun at dinner with the girls tonight. Sarah and I practiced the lyrics for their holiday program at school - "Up on the Rooftop." That was fun, but what was great is that Sarah chose to ask them what they want for Christmas this year and make a list for Santa. Everything they asked for was "sparkly" - sparkly roller skates, sparkly pogo sticks, sparkly helmets.

But wait, there's more. The funniest part was when Ella asked for a doll. Fine. No problem. All considering, it was the easiest of the things she had asked for. Then she said she wants one that eats and drinks (no problem)... real food. Okay, small problem. Then she pulled out the trump card - she wants a doll that makes egg nog. She wants it to eat and drink real food and then produce egg nog. Presumably out the other end. An egg nog doll. I darn near spit out my milk I thought it was so funny.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

At Country Christmas in Old Town Auburn

Santa is here. Unfortunately, we forgot our real camera. We're having a great time anyway. Clam chowder in a bread bowl is all gone, but hot chocolate is 1 dollar at Bowman School's stall. Good times!

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Monday, December 6, 2010

What's next for running?

Thanks to everyone for their support regarding my CIM relay. That was only 6 miles. Now I am signed up for a full 26.2 miles and the Fresno 2 Cities Marathon next November. I will likely do one or two half marathons in the next 11 months, so I'll continue posting updates.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Seeing Harry Potter 7.1 in 13 mins

We got in for a special advance showing in Roseville at 6:30. Sitting in the theater now.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ran 3 miles today

Thanks to my best bud - Darryl. We ran around the PHS track. I think I did surprisingly well considering my longest previous run this year was 0.5 miles on the treadmill. Now it is run run run until CIM. Four weeks and counting.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

We fixed the barn roof!

I don't have the final picture yet, because we still have to put the corrugated iron back on to consider it "done." However, here's what it looked like when we started in the morning and about 3 hours before we finished. When we were done (at 9:30pm!) we had put all the plywood down and roofing paper on top. Hopefully it is standing up through this storm. I will get a picture after I go back over in a few days, and hopefully once the metal is on.
Rodger and Doug posing about half-way through demolition.

The grid to support our new roof.

Steve and Rodger deciding how best to slide the plywood in.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Best. Picture. Ever.

Ella on the left, Marilyn in the middle, and Emily on the right. Oh yeah, and Darth Vader, too. :)

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Good day today

Family and I got our flu shots this afternoon. It was the least painful shot I can remember. It's not usually the shot itself that hurts. It's usually the soreness in my arm that lingers. But not this time. Easy shot, no soreness. Sarah, on the other hand, yikes! Her poor arm has been sore all afternoon and through dinner. And for whatever reason, Emily decided that she would pat Mama's arm to get her attention. Sarah had to tell her two or three times not to do it. Ouch!

But back to the goodness from today. Good day at work, got some furniture moved, Sarah took the girls to the Downtown Auburn Trick-or-Treating event all dressed up (picture to come), we had a nice dinner out, the girls fell asleep easily, and Sarah and I got prepared for the party tomorrow.

Speaking of the party, I hope to get some before pictures of at least the Halloween-themed food and games we prepared. I think our jello cups with skeletons are really neat. Not to mention the delicious dirt cake. And for the adults, we have some pumpkin beer with cinnamon, sugar, and a shot of schnapps. Sarah has also tested out some fun games, and I made Boo Bubble bottles for the kids. It should be so much fun! And I haven't even talked about my plans for this year's jack o'lanterns.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

My two Pippi Longstockings

This was on Saturday morning. Sarah did their hair with two braids and said they looked like Pippi Longstocking. Then I thought about the idea of REALLY making them look like little Pippis. So, how do you think we did it? :)

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Today was a good day

Went to visit Dad in Sacramento. Left around 10:15 and got back about 4:00. Although, to be fair an hour of that was spent at Costco on my way home. Dad and I didn't go for a bike ride like I thought we might, but it was still good. It's always good when I get to hang with my dad. We went to the Natural Foods Co-op for lunch then to his house. There he puttered around a bit, took a 10-15 minute catnap and then we headed back to the Alzheimer's home. It's a little weird leaving him there, but that's my own insecurity - not anything he does. When I got home, relaxed for 45 mins while the girls painted, then all of us went outside to the backyard. Besides the fact that we were all out there together, what made it extra great is that I finally finished a project I have been waiting to complete for a long time. I had to complete a drain on the back hill (I think it is called a French drain). I knew I would have to do it last December, and I sort of got started (bought the pipes) two months ago. Those pipes have been an eye-sore in the BY since then. I finally got to digging the trench and burying it over the last three days. Now it looks better than ever!

Tomorrow is more outdoor chores, and I hope we dig some holes on the hill to plant later this month.

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Covey Ranch Update

Some of you know we are working on clearing some property we have in Auburn. I just wanted to share two pictures. These were taken about three weeks ago. I think they were 2-3 days apart. It isn't the same angle, but it is the same area in the pictures. There's still a lot to do. Before


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today along Rainbow Trail

We took a rest on a bench along the Rainbow Trail just north of Camp Richardson in Tahoe. We saw the beginning of Kokanee Salmon spawning season. The Rainbow Trail has a very neat cutout in the stream where you stand at the bottom of the river and the top of the water is about 5.5'. They have large plexiglass viewing windows where you can see the fish as the swim almost like an aquarium.

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"Oh no, the kite is falling!"

My new favorite picture of Emily. This was taken today at the beach just past Camp Richardson in the Tahoe Basin. Emily was flying the kite when it started falling towards the ground. She was surprised!

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We're sailing on Lake Tahoe

We boarded the Windsong at Timber Cove this afternoon at 3pm for a 2-hour sail around the lake. Good thing it isn't a "3-hour tour."

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Night Lights

We are at our first family football game at Le Febvre Stadium. Placer is playing Casa Robles.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wake up call

Darryl, Sarah, the girls and I all got back from an enjoyable weekend in a wonderful cabin at Donner Lake. Yesterday we played a little 1:1 basketball. Then he wanted to run to the cabin. I took the girls back first, then ran to find him and jog the final way back with him. My "run" was only .36 miles, but wow, it was hard. I have a leg of CIM coming up in December - I need to get my act in gear!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fishing at Donner Lake. Got skunked.

Darryl and I went out fishing this morning. Donner is supposed to be a "ten o'clock lake" meaning the fish start biting around 10:00am. Well, we got there a little before 8:00 and stayed until almost 11:30. Not a single bit. Three poles in and nothing. Father and son about 30 feet away had no luck, either. We are going to try again.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Ella's Mexican snowman

We went to Chevy's for dinner. Ella took the dough, made three small balls, and then built a snowman. I helped her with the crayon nose and hat. She made the arms herself.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Heading into NYC for a show

Jersey Boys. Then dinner at a place where I probably won't be able to understand, let alone pronounce, over half the things on the menu.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dad is now at an alzheimer's home

Well, the trifecta is now complete and I feel relief. Honestly, my dad's situation was the last one weighing on me. Nw that I know he's in a good, safe place for him, I can rest easier. I can't visit him for a couple weeks (or until he gets settled in), but we just saw him Saturday for some good family time, so it's okay. I am looking forward to getting back to my life!

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gentle dog looking for a good home

This is our friend, Beau.

He is an Australian Shepherd mix, roughly 11 years and 8 months old. He belonged to members of my family, but now needs a new home. He is living with us and we have three dogs, two children, and one cat. He gets along with everyone very well!

Beau is a gentle, indoor dog, but also enjoys spending hours outside as long as he has shade. He is a little hard of hearing, we think, and he is sensitive, so it doesn't take much to correct him if needed. Beau is potty-trained. He is calm (except when he thinks he's getting to go for a walk).

Beau is current on all his shots, with full veterinary history available. He is registered in Placer County for another 2 years and 10 months. He weighs about 55 pounds and has the typical colors of an Aussie Shepherd - black, white, tan.

We love Beau, but we just cannot take good care of so many animals/people. If you or someone you know is interested in adopting Beau, please email me at j051499+beau@gmail.com.

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The girls at their friend's birthday party yesterday

This is when they were showing me their "scary faces." The first shot is just before. The second shot is probably my favorite picture of the girls in a long time. It is just so natural and not posed (they didn't know I was taking a picture).

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My Mustang with new wheels

Put them on this afternoon. Man, the car looks even better.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

2011 Mustang GT 5.0 Convertible walk-around

5-point-oh-no-he-didn't! Yes, I did. I was someone conflicted about celebrating this given what has happened recently in our family, but I think a little happiness is fine, especially now. I ordered this beauty way back in February and it came on Friday, 5/28. Sarah and I love it, of course. :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mom is on Hospice care now

Considering everything over the past 5 days, today was the best. She is comfortable, we got her into a hospital bed so her head could be propped up. She's on a couple pretty good narcotics. Doug and I are taking shifts.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

At the hospital tonight

Mom is okay, but had to go to the ER tonight. Hard time breathing. Long story short is we are about to leave with a bottle of liquid oxygen and instructions to call a medical supply company in the morning and get her into her doctor. Tonight she had some antibiotics because of elevated white blood cell count. Signs of infection, but they don't know what. Waiting for bacteria culture results tomorrow.

So, med supply company will start bringing O2 to Mom and her Dr. will give her IV antiobiotics.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Past two days with Mom were bittersweet

The past two days (Mother's Day and the day before) were really great with Mom. Yesterday we loaded the girls into the car, plus Sarah and Sherri, and we took Mom for a drive to the Amador Flower Farm just past Plymouth. It was wonderful for Mom to get out of the house. And she was able to maintain her energy for much longer than I expected. We were out for six hours and it was a gorgeous day! We had some challenges getting her around the flower farm, but we perservered and made it work! What a glorious and wonderful day!

Then today was Mother's Day and she was able to join us at our house. Chris and Layla's came (it was great to see Savannah, Joe, and Marilyn all together), as did Sherri. Even though the weather wasn't the best, the gathering really was fun. We stayed inside and I BBQ'd burgers and hot dogs. I also got out some old comic books just for kicks and Joe said even though he's never really read comics before, he still really liked them. That was fun.

Now we get to the reason this all was bittersweet. I of course gave my mom a Mother's Day card. I gave it to her in my truck as I was getting ready to drive her home. She broke down when she read it. And my mom never cries. The last time I remember her crying was when I was in high school. It was very poignant as you might imagine. And I got choked up. She knows this is her last Mother's Day and no matter how much we focus on the positives of everything, today the sadness got to me.

After I got my mom settled at her place and drove back home, I balled like a baby with Sarah and Sherri. Wow! It just came pouring out. That was around 3:00 and my eyes are still sore. But those of you who know me know that I'm a positive guy and I can't help but find the silver linings. Even with the sad tears from today, one of the best serendipitous moments happened when my mom said through her tears, "Sometime, when you're traveling with your family and happy, and you feel a warm breeze and hear laughter on the wind, just know that it's me." I can't help but cry as I remember it now.

Wherever life takes us, that's a new wonderful memory of my mom - laughter on the wind. I think I'll make a picture frame with that saying.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

KESHA + STAR WARS Tik Tok Music Video Spoof!

A little Star Wars humor with some Trek thrown in for good measure.

Check out this video on YouTube:

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A day in my life

6:30-11:00 - Work (my regular job)
11:00-12:00 - Pickup meds for Mom from pharmacy. Check on Mom. Arrange for wheelchair and pick it up. Go back to my home.
12:00-1:00 - Work and watch girls.
1:00 - Call from Mom that she is not doing well and needs some help. Call her doctor to get her in ASAP. Call attorney to cancel appointment. Pickup Mom and get her to doctor.
1:30-3:30 - Wait with Mom at doctor to make sure she gets feeling better. Take Mom to store for some groceries. Just the essentials: Vitamin Water, Coffee ice cream, and mouth wash. Take Mom to check on her cats and feed them. Get her settled back at home.
3:30-5:00 - Go to appraiser to get the finalized property documents for Mom and her brother. Call lawyer to find out about making a house call. Drop off additional documents with paralegal.
6:00-9:00 - Back home with my family (finally) and happy to be home. I don't spend enough time with them now. Even though it is dinner time, the girls are wanting to play, etc. I am working to catch up on the time I missed today. There is a 30 minute break for dinner, but then back on the laptop.
9:00-10:30 - Girls are in bed and the time I should be spending with Sarah to talk and enjoy some couple time, I am mostly spending on my laptop finishing work. In to bed between 10:30 and 11:00. At least I'm getting decent amounts of sleep.

This is not a-typical of what my days have been like this week. I'm not posting this to make anyone feel bad for me. I am using it as a way to document what is happening because it is all a blur. I know when this is all over, I won't really remember what happened during this part of my life. My uncle Doug told me something wonderful today, though - These moments, while they seem bad and stressful, provide certain golden moments with family. Like today when my mom got so much joy out of drinking the Vitamin Water. That was the best she's sounded in a week.

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My mom has cancer

Third time's the charm, right? This is actually the third time I've posted this. I removed it the first two times, but now that all the family members have been told in person, I feel that it is okay to publish this to the wider world. (I'm glad Sarah reminded me who hadn't been told so I could pull it down before they read it on FB.) Anyway, I need to get this off my chest in large part because so much of my time is now taken up dealing with this that I haven't felt comfortable engaging with friends on Facebook for fear that I would let something slip unintentionally. So, for the few friends that saw this before, there's nothing new below. But now I will be posting more updates as time goes on.
Okay, I am about to take a big risk in saying this. My mom has cancer. Terminal. It's something that I have debated for over a month whether I should go against her wishes to say anything. That is why some of you that I consider my closest friends do not know - she wants to be private. But I feel that I need to say something now before I burst. This is my catharsis. Plus, today is a good day so I feel that I am best equipped to deal with the emotions at this specific moment in time. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, or even tonight, or even what might change in an hour.
Another reason I am doing it this way is because it is to mentally and physically exhausting to tell each individual person. The roller-coaster of emotions is too much. I won't do it if I don't get started this way. There are certain people that I already called or told in person. I know a text about it is rather impersonal, but I trust you to understand.
I am at the hospital today helping her through a couple fairly minor procedures to get prepared for the chemotherapy and to relieve some pain she has now. She starts chemo on Monday, and we think that will give her a better quality of life for the time she has left. I have been high, low, and in between. Mostly, I'm mad. I'm pissed that my mom is only 67 and this is happening. I said a few weeks ago that I thought my mom would be working her garden, going up and down the hillside, for 20 years to come.
She's not gone yet, and I don't want it to sound like that. She may have many months, even over a year left. But in the last 3 weeks, if you looked inside my backpack, you would see medical books, a Last Will and Testament, trust documents, power of attorney, prescription drugs, a laptop, camera to document events, a notepad full of phone numbers, doctor names, drug names, appointment dates, etc. In a very real sense, I felt that if my backpack fell over and all the contents spilled out, it would be like seeing a black, oozing puddle of sludge pouring out. Negativity and depression and the signs of someone dying are inside my backpack. I carry death with me both physically and figuratively everywhere I go.
But then I look at the good things. I look at the fact that I'm spending more time with her now than I have over the past six months. And yes, while it shouldn't take death to bring us together, I'm glad we are doing it. We took the girls to Fairy Tale town two weeks ago. I am learning things about my family history and our story in a compressed amount of time that would have taken 20-30 years. I always knew how strong my mom was, and how stubborn, but now I get to see it in the ultimate way. She is facing her own mortality with courage, practicality, and humor where she can find it. And that is all good.
Having read this, don't feel sorry for me. I have Sarah and Sherri, I have my girls. I have everything I need to be just fine and come through this stronger on the other side. If you feel like telling me that you are sorry for me or my mom, that's fine. I appreciate it, but what I'd rather you did is spend that energy to help an animal shelter in your area. Volunteer, donate some time or money, help them get their animals adopted or cared for. That's what my mom would want.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Emily in her great grandpa's hat

I snapped this picture this morning. My mom brought over some old hats that belonged to my grandpa and grandma. Emily likes this one. Future gumshoe.

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Emily in her great grandpa's hat

I snapped this picture this morning. My mom brought over some old hats that belonged to my grandpa and grandma. Emily likes this one. Future gumshoe.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

A real American breakfast

Fixed eggs, bacon, and pancakes all while listening to Johnny Cash! Now that what I call American! And the girls were a big help!

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Was in Davis and ran into someone I haven't seen since 1987! Maybe even longer.

I went into Bizarro World on E St. in Davis today. I was in town for a business lunch and had a little time to kill. I had this strange feeling that I might know who owned the place, and I was right. Dan Urazandi was at the counter. I knew Dan from when I lived in Davis back in the 80's. I really only knew him because my best friend at the time had an older brother who was friends with Dan. This older brother and Dan babysat me a few times, and I think I broke the joystick for his Atari 2600. I clearly remember playing a game (I think it was Defender) at Dan's house and I was really torquing the joystick back and forth. He told me not to do it, but I was so "into" the game that I think I broke it later that day.

Anyway, talk about a blast from the past. Really cool, but also sort of surreal.

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Had the Ultimate Birthday Workout today

It is my new favorite. Surpassed Tabata's. Wow! Thanks, Suzanne. And thanks to all my friends who have wished me happy birthday. I really appreciate it!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

3 times I read to the girls and 3 times Emily fell asleep before the end of the book.

New car - need some help

You may have guessed from some of my posts last month that I was looking at new cars. Well, I did it. With Sarah's full approval, I put a security deposit down on a new car. It is a 2011 Ford Mustang GT. Convertible. Automatic (the one concession I made to get it passed by the Finance Committee). It hasn't even started being built, yet. The care should arrive in late May or June.

Now I need some help picking out a license plate. You may have seen some possible plates last month. I think I narrowed it down to my favorites. You can certainly tell there is a Star Wars theme. By the way, explanation on the first one is that the 2001 'stang has 412 horsepower. And the engine is a 5.0 Liter. The car is black, which is why the references to Darth Vader.




















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