Sarah can tell you, I sat up with a start and quickly took on an air of such indignation that you'd think I thought she meant to do it. The look on my face was priceless, according to Sarah, and looking back on it, I can appreciate that. However, at the time, I was really upset. Saturday is Sarah's day to sleep in, but Sunday is mine, and I had just been woken up in a painful way. Sarah couldn't stop laughing, and I felt she was laughing at me, not with me. I decided to get even. :)
A few minutes after hoping out of bed, I went out to the truck to get something - I don't remember what now. Sarah was changing the girls. Just before I got back inside, I had a brilliant idea. I turned around and went back to the truck. I remembered how whenever the twins touch the car wheels, their fingers get black. So I started rubbing the chrome wheels on my truck, and sure enough, my fingertips were black. I rubbed that around my right eye, checking it out in the side view mirror. When it looked good enough, I headed back inside. I purposely looked at Sarah, just a quick glance, and she jokingly said that my eye looked dark. She thought it was a trick of the light, but when I walked closer, she got quite a look on her face! Her voice went up a couple octaves as she said, "Oh my god! It really is black. Emily gave you a black eye!" I hammed it up for a few more minutes, posing for pictures and playing the sympathy card. Then I said that my eye was stinging and I wanted to wash it. Sarah went to get my an ice pack and when I came out of the bathroom, my eye was miraculously healed! Oh, man, we laughed so hard over that together. It was great!