Okay, I know this will be a bit of a let-down, but the only picture we got of the twins at the zoo was with statues!! Wait, let me explain - we went to the zoo using free passes that Sarah had from work. Saved us $28. We went through the first third of the zoo, and then decided to have lunch. By the time we were done with lunch, we could tell the twins were tired, and we decided not to push it, so we hopped in the car and headed home. Two minutes after we got in the car, both girls were sound asleep - new record.
Emily petting the lion cub
At the zoo, before lunch, we saw the Savannah exhibit (giraffes, zebras, etc.), African Aviary (some ibis birds, ducks, and a couple others I can't remember), the gorillas, lemurs, howler monkeys, and more. Mostly African (or Madagascar) animals. When I was looking at the pictures, I realized we had so few, but honestly, since we had been to the petting zoo at the CA State Fair just a few days before, where the twins could get right up close, there really weren't any animals close enough to get a pic of the girls and the animals in the same shot. It was still fun, but we'll have to go back another time to get more of the zoo. And I'm looking forward to taking the girls to the Sacramento Zoo.
Emily petting the lion cub
Emily and Ella sitting on the lions