This is totally off topic, but it is related to kids. A friend of mine is adopting two sisters in the Ukraine. Their names are Tanya and Alonya. You can checkout their blog at Right now is a good time to read it because they are in the Ukraine now. They started this more than two years ago and are literally days away from finishing.
So the last several days we've been having success setting the girls in their cribs and, as long as one of us stays in the room, they usually fall asleep in 15 minutes. I find that I like this method, as long as I have my laptop or DS to entertain me while I sit in the glider. About 10-14 days ago, I saw Ella and Emily "twirling" while they dance. I think Sarah said she taught them. It was neat to see.
Today, I think Emily might have said "dog", but not really sure. We're teaching them a lot of new signs, and they are so quick to learn. We taught them "bird" recently, and "you're welcome." They know tons of signs, and use most of them correctly. Milk, water, eat, more, please, thank you, hat, bird, dog, cat, etc.
Now for some pictures.

Emily with her new hat

Emily is a ham, alright.

Time to put the girls in their boxes for a nap. :)

Ella on the piano

They love those purple plastic boxes

Not quite settled down enough to go to sleep. Something is funny.