The girls had their first swim lesson today. Sarah and I were hoping to get pictures of the girls actually in the pool, but it didn't work out. I'm sure we will get some over the coming weeks. The lessons are 30 minutes each, three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) and go for three weeks. I think there are about 8 babies in the class, from 10 months - 2 years.
The girls did well - better than I expected. They actually have us put the girls fully underwater (only for about 1 second), but we did that 3-4 times today. Emily was with Sarah and did a bit better than Ella, but that could be because I wasn't doing it quite right. Sarah showed me the right way to do it, and so the last time Ella went under was better. The pool is nice -heated to about 92 degrees. Sarah and I are going to be trading off on the twins, we'll get to work with each girl.
I am SO glad we're doing this because so many people we know have pools and it's just something that we all love to do - swim in the summertime. As a safety factor and as a skill, I'm really looking forward to the next three weeks of classes.