Stories and tidbits about my twin daughters and other things I find interesting. Parenting, technology, astronomy, music, environment and more.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Slimming down
Did a half marathon today
Sunday, October 25, 2009
7th Place
Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!
Joining the Crowd
Suited up and ready for action #fourbridgeshalf
As you can see, I am really here. Here is I believe technically Fair Oaks, but in calling it Folsom. In the background is Lake Natomas and on the other side is the CSUS Aquatic Center.
I'm feeling Very excited, but also nervous. Joe should be running now if they started the race on time. I am in my truck with Metallica playing to get pumped. I still have another hour to wait. I am not sure if I should stay in the warm truck or go outside and sort of take in the sights and sounds this early. Regardless, my warmup will start in about 30 mins. Give me plenty of time to stretch, jog, restroom, and do final equipment check. Going to wear Camelbak, but empty. Primarily so I can carry iPhone for the GPS tracking to have afterwards.It's Official
At Relay Point
souls are here this early and they are part of the same team. They are
leaving now to drop off two of their team members now. I have about 2
hours until showtime.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
First Race Tomorrow
Friday, October 23, 2009
10 Miles Behind Me
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The girls are sick
Okay, looks like the first attempt worked...
I just signed up for Posterous
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Auburn Community Festival
We didn't participate in the costume contest because it starts too
late, but Ella dressed as Dorothy and Emily as Little Red Riding Hood.
They had a great time playing in the bouncy houses, too.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Picking the perfect pumpkin
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Interactive Zipcode Visualizer
(Thanks to my cousin Tim for this.)
Little Pilots

Today we had lunch at Wings at the Auburn airport. Afterwards, we walked to the flight shop and then to Mach 5 to look around. Michael Duncan, one of the owners, was kind enough to let the girls get in a Cessna 172 he was working on. They did NOT want to leave. I think we may have the fourth generation of Johnson pilots on our hands.
Friday, October 2, 2009
A couple of pictures with Emily (top) and Ella wearing my sombrero that I've had since college. It was a gift
Biggest, Tallest Tree Photo Ever
At least 1,500 years old, this 300-foot giant in California's Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park has the most complex crown ever mapped. (Michael Nichols/National Geographic)