Thursday, October 29, 2009

Slimming down

I got a nice compliment from an old college fraternity brother saying that I do indeed look slimmer than I did when he last saw me.

Today, my mom brought over my high school letterman's jacket. It was a 2XL!! I definitely fit in it now.

Tomorrow I have to return a track jacket because I bought an XL two days ago, but now I'm a Large.

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Did a half marathon today

If you can believe it, I ran 13 miles today and I'm still alive. Took about 2:27, including some breaks. Now I know I can do it, so I'm ready for 11/14.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, October 25, 2009

7th Place

We got 7th in the men's relay. 2:01:42, 9:17/mile.

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Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

We Did It!!!

We finished the race. My time approximately 55 mins for 5.3 miles. Great time!!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Joining the Crowd

Talkedto Sarah. She and her mom are on their way with the twins. They are going to try and see Darryl and me do the exchange at this relay point. I finished consuming about 30oz of water this morning. Plus a workout drink. Well hydrated. Hopefully not too much. Finished stretching. Did second-to-last gear check. (Can you tell this is my first race?) Still listening to Metallica.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Suited up and ready for action #fourbridgeshalf

As you can see, I am really here. Here is I believe technically Fair Oaks, but in calling it Folsom. In the background is Lake Natomas and on the other side is the CSUS Aquatic Center.

I'm feeling Very excited, but also nervous. Joe should be running now if they started the race on time. I am in my truck with Metallica playing to get pumped. I still have another hour to wait. I am not sure if I should stay in the warm truck or go outside and sort of take in the sights and sounds this early.

Regardless, my warmup will start in about 30 mins. Give me plenty of time to stretch, jog, restroom, and do final equipment check. Going to wear Camelbak, but empty. Primarily so I can carry iPhone for the GPS tracking to have afterwards.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

It's Official

I have the timing chip on. Darryl and I spoke about 20 mins ago. He's at his relay point. Joe should be starting in

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At Relay Point

A few mins after 7am and I'm at Relay Point #2. Only three other brave  
souls are here this early and they are part of the same team. They are  
leaving now to drop off two of their team members now. I have about 2  
hours until showtime.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Race Tomorrow

Well, I am totally excited and need to calm down and go to sleep. Tomorrow is the Four Bridges Half Marathon Relay ( ). I run the anchor leg, 5.3 miles. My goal is 10-minute mile. Realistically, I think I'll be 11:30. I'll post an update here later.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

The Three Amigos

Ella, Emily, and Marilyn at Gary's birthday.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Miles Behind Me

I did it. Today (well, okay, technically yesterday) I ran just over 10 miles. Admittedly, it was around the PHS track (Sneed, I keep forgetting to call you - I will). That's the farthest so far. I am still amazed that given my big fat bod, nothing has broken, nothing has fallen off, nothing has given out on me. I could say a lot more about how great it feels to get over the mental hump of 10 miles, but it's late and I'm tired. Let me just say that it was particularly sweet because Sarah brought the girls and came to join me at the track about two-thirds of the way through. They jogged with me. The girls were so cute - even got a compliment from another runner. It was a great day. Now I need to find a consumable energy source since all my trainings are going to be 2+ hours. I need some Goo or something. Oh, averaged about 12 minute miles, but that is really not a good reference point because at several points I slowed, even stopped to play with the girls, strech, get an extra long drink of water, etc. I think more accurately, it was about 11:30.
Finally, I have to say that Darryl better watch out because there are two parachutes and an airplane with our names on them and I am at my skydiving weight - no turning back now!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The girls are sick

Both girls have had the sniffles for a couple days. It seems like a mild cold, and I hope that's all it is. It's taking them longer to fall asleep during their naps and at night. I got a little frustrates tonight, but I had to remind myself that it's not fun trying to fall asleep with a stuffy nose. As an adult, I can use decongestants and other medications that they can't use at 3 year old. So far (knock on wood), Sarah and I feel fine.

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Okay, looks like the first attempt worked...

...with a bit of manual intervention. Let's see how it works this time.

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I just signed up for Posterous

I'm trying it out. This is my first post. Let's see if it works as promised.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Auburn Community Festival

Sarah and I took the girls to the Auburn Community Festival yesterday.
We didn't participate in the costume contest because it starts too
late, but Ella dressed as Dorothy and Emily as Little Red Riding Hood.
They had a great time playing in the bouncy houses, too.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Picking the perfect pumpkin

Sitting on a big pumpkin in the patch at Biahop's Farm. Well, it seemed big until three girls tried to sit on it at once. We had a Great time with friends - Chris and Courtney Campbell, their girls (Sammy is the one in front), and Chris's parents.

Bishop's Pumpkin Patch

We're spending part of the afternoon at The Bishop's Pumpkin Parch in

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Interactive Zipcode Visualizer

This is a neet little tool for visualizing zipcodes.

(Thanks to my cousin Tim for this.)

Little Pilots

Today we had lunch at Wings at the Auburn airport. Afterwards, we walked to the flight shop and then to Mach 5 to look around. Michael Duncan, one of the owners, was kind enough to let the girls get in a Cessna 172 he was working on. They did NOT want to leave. I think we may have the fourth generation of Johnson pilots on our hands.

Friday, October 2, 2009


A couple of pictures with Emily (top) and Ella wearing my sombrero that I've had since college. It was a gift from my fraternity brothers. It's been hanging in my office for years and I took it down today to clean the blinds. Well, they wanted to try it on.
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Biggest, Tallest Tree Photo Ever

At least 1,500 years old, this 300-foot giant in California's Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park has the most complex crown ever mapped. (Michael Nichols/National Geographic)