Monday, December 14, 2009

Another butt-kicking workout

Had another butt-kicking at the gym today. Wow, Suzanne knows how to pick 'em. Honestly, haven't felt this tired (or healthy) since high school sports. Good news is the workouts only last 30 minutes instead of hours of practice. Bad news is I am paying someone to treat me this way. Good news (always end on an up) is that Sarah gave me a compliment AND I'm actually seeing the changes in my body.

Up until now, I've been working on convincing myself that I'm getting slimmer. People tell me this - friends, family, people at the gym. But my self-image has been "funny, fat, kid-at-heart" for so long that it takes time to change. This last week, I can visibly see that my mid- section is smaller. My brain doesn't half to convince my eyes that I'm slimmer. My eyes see it in the mirror.

This is a small, but significant change. Life is good...

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

The girls' first theater movie

We are at the Regal theater in Auburn about to watch The Princess and the Frog. This will be the girls' first theater movie. I'll let you know if it is a good one.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Big race, small snafu! Wow, that was fast.

It's over. I can't believe it! Unofficial team time 4:02, but there was a snafu with my relay exchange (my fault). Cost us 10 mind. I think my time averaged 9:30/mile, so I accomplished my goal. Had a GREAT time!

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tomorrow is a big day - California International Marathon

I can hardly wait!! even though I'm going to sleep about 45 mins later than I hoped, tomorrow can't come quickly enough. SUPER excited to be running a leg of the CIM, and doing it with folks from ProActive in Auburn. It also gives me a sense of pleasure an accomplishment to know that my excitement in running transfered so well to my friend, Darryl. It is cool to see what he is accomplishing, too. I'll report in tomorrow. Wish me good speed. Goal is <10 min/mile.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Put the tree up today

And decorated it with Sarah's, Ella's and Emily's help.

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am Thankful for...

having the health, family, and friends to lead me to this point in my life. I recently told Sarah that life is good. This is the happiest, healthiest, and best I've ever felt. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cleaning the office

Today, Sarah and I Attacked! my office and in one hour did what I thought would take an afternoon. I'm so glad we work well together. I have more space on my desk and already know how I'm going to fill up that space. :)

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Friday, November 20, 2009

On a train

Friday night, it's cold outside. Wet and dark. The mercury lights provide small glimpses of the landscape around me. Towns come and go. People mostly leave and the locomotive gets quieter and lonelier. I can't wait to get home and see my family. Picture my beautiful wife, also my best friend. Images of smiling twins in my mind help to brighten my mood. Thank goodness for technology - a couple quick IMs with Sarah and I know my world is right. Despite the cold and rain outside, I am warm inside.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The girls decided to vacuum

On their own accord, the girls decided they wanted to vacuum the house. I got the cordless dust buster and regular full size vacuum from the closet. Emily used the big one and Ella the little one. Man, it was great! They said it was a lot of fun. I just hope they continue to think so for the next 15+ years.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Half Marathon Unofficial Time: 2h18m

I didn't stick around to get my official time, but I'm sure that will be posted online. However, my stopwatch shows that I did it in just over 2 hours and 18 minutes, which is a personal best. I think I averaged 10.5 mins/mile. It wasn't as fun as when I ran the Four Bridges Relay because that was with friends. However, the accomplishment feels much greater, and having Sarah and the girls, Sherri, my mom, dad, and Roberta all there was great. What was even better was that Sarah, Sherri, my mom and the girls all got up early to watch me along the course. It was such a nice surprise and despite the fact that I didn't actually SEE Sarah or the girls, it gave me the extra push to finish strong at the end.
Looking forward to the CIM relay in 3 weeks. That will be a breeze at only 5.7 miles, but I definitely want to improve my speed. I am going to shoot for 9:50 or less per mile.

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I'm ready to start the half

Run the River

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Monday, November 9, 2009

Texas Tomorrow

I'm having dinner with my family tonight, but tomorrow I leave for Dallas for 3 days. I already miss Sarah and my girls. :(

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Last training weekend before my half marathon

I finished up a 5.5 mike run with my best friend, Darryl. Right knee a little troublesome for first mile, but resolved itself before end of second mile. Feeling good. Excited for next Saturday. One more training run, 5-6 miles, on Tuesday or Wednesday, then nothing until the big day. Wish me luck!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Race Day Photo

This was taken on 10/25 at the finish of What a blast!

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Slimming down

I got a nice compliment from an old college fraternity brother saying that I do indeed look slimmer than I did when he last saw me.

Today, my mom brought over my high school letterman's jacket. It was a 2XL!! I definitely fit in it now.

Tomorrow I have to return a track jacket because I bought an XL two days ago, but now I'm a Large.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Did a half marathon today

If you can believe it, I ran 13 miles today and I'm still alive. Took about 2:27, including some breaks. Now I know I can do it, so I'm ready for 11/14.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Sunday, October 25, 2009

7th Place

We got 7th in the men's relay. 2:01:42, 9:17/mile.

Jesse Johnson | SHI International Corp. | Senior Account Executive | |
*NEW* Reach both my office and mobile phone with one number - UC: 530-217-3217
Office: 530-889-8557 | Mobile: 530-305-5585 | Fax: 530-889-8558
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

We Did It!!!

We finished the race. My time approximately 55 mins for 5.3 miles. Great time!!

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Joining the Crowd

Talkedto Sarah. She and her mom are on their way with the twins. They are going to try and see Darryl and me do the exchange at this relay point. I finished consuming about 30oz of water this morning. Plus a workout drink. Well hydrated. Hopefully not too much. Finished stretching. Did second-to-last gear check. (Can you tell this is my first race?) Still listening to Metallica.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Suited up and ready for action #fourbridgeshalf

As you can see, I am really here. Here is I believe technically Fair Oaks, but in calling it Folsom. In the background is Lake Natomas and on the other side is the CSUS Aquatic Center.

I'm feeling Very excited, but also nervous. Joe should be running now if they started the race on time. I am in my truck with Metallica playing to get pumped. I still have another hour to wait. I am not sure if I should stay in the warm truck or go outside and sort of take in the sights and sounds this early.

Regardless, my warmup will start in about 30 mins. Give me plenty of time to stretch, jog, restroom, and do final equipment check. Going to wear Camelbak, but empty. Primarily so I can carry iPhone for the GPS tracking to have afterwards.

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It's Official

I have the timing chip on. Darryl and I spoke about 20 mins ago. He's at his relay point. Joe should be starting in

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At Relay Point

A few mins after 7am and I'm at Relay Point #2. Only three other brave  
souls are here this early and they are part of the same team. They are  
leaving now to drop off two of their team members now. I have about 2  
hours until showtime.

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Saturday, October 24, 2009

First Race Tomorrow

Well, I am totally excited and need to calm down and go to sleep. Tomorrow is the Four Bridges Half Marathon Relay ( ). I run the anchor leg, 5.3 miles. My goal is 10-minute mile. Realistically, I think I'll be 11:30. I'll post an update here later.

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The Three Amigos

Ella, Emily, and Marilyn at Gary's birthday.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

10 Miles Behind Me

I did it. Today (well, okay, technically yesterday) I ran just over 10 miles. Admittedly, it was around the PHS track (Sneed, I keep forgetting to call you - I will). That's the farthest so far. I am still amazed that given my big fat bod, nothing has broken, nothing has fallen off, nothing has given out on me. I could say a lot more about how great it feels to get over the mental hump of 10 miles, but it's late and I'm tired. Let me just say that it was particularly sweet because Sarah brought the girls and came to join me at the track about two-thirds of the way through. They jogged with me. The girls were so cute - even got a compliment from another runner. It was a great day. Now I need to find a consumable energy source since all my trainings are going to be 2+ hours. I need some Goo or something. Oh, averaged about 12 minute miles, but that is really not a good reference point because at several points I slowed, even stopped to play with the girls, strech, get an extra long drink of water, etc. I think more accurately, it was about 11:30.
Finally, I have to say that Darryl better watch out because there are two parachutes and an airplane with our names on them and I am at my skydiving weight - no turning back now!

Posted via email from papatriplej's posterous

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The girls are sick

Both girls have had the sniffles for a couple days. It seems like a mild cold, and I hope that's all it is. It's taking them longer to fall asleep during their naps and at night. I got a little frustrates tonight, but I had to remind myself that it's not fun trying to fall asleep with a stuffy nose. As an adult, I can use decongestants and other medications that they can't use at 3 year old. So far (knock on wood), Sarah and I feel fine.

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Okay, looks like the first attempt worked...

...with a bit of manual intervention. Let's see how it works this time.

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I just signed up for Posterous

I'm trying it out. This is my first post. Let's see if it works as promised.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Auburn Community Festival

Sarah and I took the girls to the Auburn Community Festival yesterday.
We didn't participate in the costume contest because it starts too
late, but Ella dressed as Dorothy and Emily as Little Red Riding Hood.
They had a great time playing in the bouncy houses, too.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Picking the perfect pumpkin

Sitting on a big pumpkin in the patch at Biahop's Farm. Well, it seemed big until three girls tried to sit on it at once. We had a Great time with friends - Chris and Courtney Campbell, their girls (Sammy is the one in front), and Chris's parents.

Bishop's Pumpkin Patch

We're spending part of the afternoon at The Bishop's Pumpkin Parch in

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Interactive Zipcode Visualizer

This is a neet little tool for visualizing zipcodes.

(Thanks to my cousin Tim for this.)

Little Pilots

Today we had lunch at Wings at the Auburn airport. Afterwards, we walked to the flight shop and then to Mach 5 to look around. Michael Duncan, one of the owners, was kind enough to let the girls get in a Cessna 172 he was working on. They did NOT want to leave. I think we may have the fourth generation of Johnson pilots on our hands.

Friday, October 2, 2009


A couple of pictures with Emily (top) and Ella wearing my sombrero that I've had since college. It was a gift from my fraternity brothers. It's been hanging in my office for years and I took it down today to clean the blinds. Well, they wanted to try it on.
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Biggest, Tallest Tree Photo Ever

At least 1,500 years old, this 300-foot giant in California's Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park has the most complex crown ever mapped. (Michael Nichols/National Geographic)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Emily at the pumpkin patch

Ella at the pumpkin patch

Grandma Banana's Pumpkin Patch

This was taken earlier today at my mom's pumpkin patch. The girls
picked out 2-3 pumpkins each, Sarah picked out a few, and I probably
picked out a dozen. I love this time of year.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

At the Sacramento Zoo

In the picture (L to R) are Sarah, Ella, Emily, and my dad. They are watching the orangutans. 

Jesse Johnson  |  SHI International Corp.  |  Senior Account Executive  |  |
UC: 530-217-3217  |  Office: 530-889-8557  |  Fax: 530-889-8558  |  Mobile: 530-305-5585
SHI is a minority owned and operated company, and a Corporate Plus Member of the NMSDC!

Innovative Solutions. World Class Support.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I have a lot of pictures coming

We went camping to Scott's Flat last weekend, the girls went fishing for the first time, and our landscaping is done. I will post photos as soon as I can.

Also, our best friend Nicole is starting a business in Washington to plan/host parties for children and adults alike. It's called The Perfect Place, and her website is She took some pictures of the girls last week and put them in the photo album. Really cool. I'm so impressed with Nicole and what she's doing. She's really doing it - creating her own business and doing something she has a passion for. It's inspiring to see.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quick updated waterfall pic

Guys said they'll be done tomorrow with it, and another week to finish
the whole project.

Day 4

Here is what the morning of Day 4 looks like.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Waterfall Hole

Right now it looks like a big hole, but I'm expecting big things in
the next two days. The twins keep saying they want the waterfall now.
It is very cute.

Landscaping Phase 2: The Hill

Well, we decided to make a commitment to finish landscaping our
backyard. Specifically, this is what Day 2 looks like. In a nutshell,
we hired someone to put in a second retaining wall about 2 feet back
from the first to give us additional planting space. We are putting in
6-7 planter wells on the hill. Some steps going up one side of the
hill. And they are putting in a new pacer patio. We're finishing it
off with a waterfall and a hot tub. Should be done in less than 2
weeks, with the electrician coming to hook up the hot tub a week later.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Playing on the lawn

Just a fun short video shot yesterday when it was hot and the girls wanted to play.

Monday, June 22, 2009

First friend's birthday party

On June 13th, the girls went to their first "birthday party for a friend." It was Kaiya Hatashita's 3rd birthday. She is just 8 days younger than our girls. It was SUCH a great time; although, I got a bad sunburn on my back. Here are a few photos. In the next 1-2 days, I will post pictures from the girl's birthday party here at our house.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Father Forgets

This is precious. Stumbled upon it today as part of a book I'm reading. Wow, brought tears to my eyes. I went in while the girls were napping and sat with them for a bit while they slept.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Star Wars and Star Trek

Well, I know it's a bit early, but I decided to introduce the girls to Star Wars via Episode I. Just before that, I arrived home with my four Star Trek glasses from Burger King. Given their interest in the glasses is what prompted me to show them the Wars. I know I could have gone with a Star Trek movie, and that is a natural progression. But the fact is Episode I has a lot more kid-friendly elements than any Star Trek movie.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


This week, we've been working most evenings to get ready for a new garden on the East side of the house. Been leveling the ground and digging out some old roots and trees. Also went to Eiseley's to get some plants - bought a sun gold tomato, patty pan squash, zucchini, red bell pepper, and some others. We also have a half-dozen other tomatoes, two blueberries, and I think we're going to try and score some raspberries and dahlias.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Empire Mine State Park

For Mother's Day (a day early) we took the family plus both Grandmothers to Empire Mine State Park in Grass Valley. We had a wonderful time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crafting Birthday Cards

Today is my mom's birthday. It's been raining for several days, and since we can't play outside with the girls, we decided to do something fun indoors. We made Birthday Cards. Sarah and I went to Michael's yesterday and picked up some supplies. Then we put a sheet down in the front room and proceeded to have a great time.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Winter Wonderland

We woke up this morning to white snow covering everything. I think I got up around 6:45 and snow there was about 1/2 inch on the ground. It was still snowing, and I think before it stopped we got 3/4-1" on the ground. The girls decided to put on their warm clothes and play for a bit.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fun around the house

Nothing major, just some fun pics of Ella and Emily around the house. I *think* Lucky is warming up to Ella. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Review of Nano 5 Omni S8 5.1-Channel Home Theater System


If you want to hear your music and movies the way they were recorded without having to put huge speakers in your living room, the tiny Nanosat® satellite has your name written all over it. Compact, attractive and discreet, the Nanosat uses premium materials and patented technology to deliver larg...

Great setup

PapaTripleJ Auburn, CA 2/5/2009


5 5

Pros: Easy To Connect, Crisp Sound, Powerful, Attractive Design, Great Sound Quality

Best Uses: Home Theater

Describe Yourself: Tech Savvy

I don't have a lot of experience with home theater, but I love this setup. The satellite speakers came with the wallmount brackets. I was able to easily install them. They are just below our head, and they are so small that they practically dissapear in the room. In fact, one of them is right next to our couch in one corner of the room. My wife puts a throw pillow on the couch's arm rest and it hides the speaker. I mostly crank it up for movies and Xbox games. My setup is this:
>15' X 14' room
>52" HD DLP TV on stand
>Sony DG720 Receiver
>Rocketfish wireless surround speaker adapter
>This speaker package

The front speakers are on the TV stand to either side of the TV. The center channel is below the TV. The rear speakers are at the corners of the room, probably 12-13' from the front speakers. Love it!


Saturday, January 24, 2009


The girls started a toddler gymnastics class two weeks ago. They already had three classes and it's going well. I will post some pictures and short videos soon.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Big Breakthrough

Well, this is pretty cool. Yesterday, Emily had her first full day without a diaper! Technically, we put one on her when we went to the park to meet a friend for a couple hours, but otherwise, she didn't need it. And what's even more amazing - she slept through the night last night without a diaper. No accidents!! And furthermore, we're almost done with the day today, and still no diaper!