Last night on the drive home from Sherri's after dinner, Sarah and I came up with a new song. It's called "99
Sippies of Water on the Wall." It was dark, and whenever we drive home after dark, the girls cry pretty much the whole 10 minutes it takes to get home. A couple weeks ago, Sarah and I discovered that if we sang to the girls, they quieted down. But we're getting tired of the same old songs - most of which we learned at Swim Lessons. So last night,
we went through the usual bunch:
Sally the Camel
Little Fishy
Ella's Here Today
Emily's Here Today
Old MacDonald's Farm
We were almost home and the girls started crying again because we couldn't think of another song. I started singing 99 Bottles of Beer, as a joke, but I didn't want to sing that to the girls (something seems wrong singing a drinking song to babies - maybe that's just me). All of the sudden, Sarah or I said, "99
Sippy Cups of Water on the Wall." Even though that didn't quite work, it made us laugh, so we shortened it to
Sippies on the Wall. And we only did 10 or less for the rest of the drive home. But it made us laugh and it entertained the twins.
Then today, Sarah was at work and Sherri was helping watch the twins. Around 11:00 it was nap time. I had both twins in my arms and sat in the Lay-Z-Boy. They were fussing a bit and crying, and I knew they were tired, so I started singing "99
Sippies..." Boy, what a great song! It's my new favorite. Ella was asleep by 75 and Emily was asleep by 60. Sherri came and carried each of them into their cribs. Again this evening around 6:00, same thing. Sarah and I split the twins to try and get them to take a last nap - I had Ella. I sat in my chair and sang the song, and she was asleep before Sarah had Emily asleep. This is great! :)